Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-11-2017 - 19-11-2017

The modern day and age of education is characterized by smart classrooms where high-tech LED screens are seen replacing the traditional whiteboards and tablets replacing notebooks in some cases. However, more often than not, this draws a stark contrast to some section of societies where many of the students studying in schools living in tribal areas don’t even have notebooks. As unfortunate as it may sound, it is the reality. This prompted us to study the requirements of the students studying in schools surrounding village Borgaon. Our research revealed that while students do get notebooks for the first term of the year, however, they struggle to get themselves a notebook for the second term. This, in turn, hinders their learning process. In order to help them in their journey to acquire knowledge, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite donated 1000 notebooks to students studying at schools located at 11 different villages namely Borgaon, Virani, Dhangarmal, Kasmal A, Kasmal B, Yeloshi, Kotbi, Ketkavne, Kolhachiwadi, Khokraiwade and Bangalwadi. The books were donated on 19th November, 2017 at Virani School, Virani Village, Pen. 3 to 5 notebooks were donated to each student based on their individual requirements. In addition to it, we also distributed stationery box to each of the students. At Rotary Club of Panvel Elite, we stand by the quote that “Education is every child’s basic right” and we try everything in our capacity to walk that phrase.

Project Details

Start Date 19-11-2017
End Date 19-11-2017
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 8
No of direct Beneficiaries 120
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Club Thrust Area, Others