Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-12-2017 - 09-12-2017

Our Education Committee arranged a teachers training workshop on Saturday 8 Dec 2017, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the 'Anjuman-e-Islam School for Girls' on Bund Garden Road. There were 15 primary school teachers who benefitted from the programme anchored and conducted by our own Rotaryann Shereen Masters. The topic was "Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom". It was an interactive event much appreciated by the teachers; they have requested for one more session which we may have sometime in the near future. Several of our Downtowners were in attendance including President Rajesh, Committee Chairman Dr Ravikumar, Dr Supriya Banerjea, Anil & Dr Deepika Chadda, Prixhasp and Kripa Contractor, Smita Jauhri, Phiroze Masters, Dr Vikram Nabar and the organiser Meena Latey."

Project Details

Start Date 09-12-2017
End Date 09-12-2017
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 18
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy