Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-12-2017 - 22-12-2017

The Rotary Club of Pune Pradhikaran & Rotary Club Of Shikrapur jointly organised a project on Basic Education &Literacy.The Water Filter Project is given by RC Shikrapur & Library which includes One Cupboard and 300 books other than school curriculum,like story, Activity books,Great leaders are handover to school teachers & Students of Zilla Parishad Primary School Midgulwadi, Tal Shirur ,District Pune.About 120 Students are benefited with this project.The Rtn Vilas Gawade, President RC Pune Pradhikaran,Rtn Dr Macchindra Gaikwad ,President RC Shikrapur Rtn Kuldeep Mokashi,Rtn Shitole ,Rtn Virdhaval,Rtn Ladharam Patel were present for the program.

Project Details

Start Date 22-12-2017
End Date 22-12-2017
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 6
No of direct Beneficiaries 120
Partner Clubs RC Pune Pradhikaran
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy