Rotary 3131 - Project Details

11-08-2012 - 11-08-2012

INSTITUTION BASED RYLA HELD AT DR.PILLE’S GLOBAL ACDEMY, KHANDA COLONY, NEW PANVEL ON 11TH AUGUST 2012 2nd Institute based RYLA was conducted at Dr.Pille’s Global Acdemy,Khanda Colony ,New Panvel on 11th August 2012 from 1100 hrs. to 1615 hr.Totally 65 students from 2nd & 3rd year of Diploma in Education took participation along with 5 staff members including Principal In this programme. We covered Five important topics as follows : • Preparation of resume & Interview techniques by Rtn. PP Anil Ambetkar ( 1100 Hr. to 1200 Hr.) • 1971 Naval War & thereafter principles of management from Mahabharata by Rt. Pres. A M Gawarikar(1200 to 1345 ) • Effective Communication skills & Tobacco & alcohol abuse by Rt. PP Shailesh Palekar(1425 to 1615 ) • Rtn. R.S Rao attended the programme as special observer. All the participants shown keen interest in all the subjects. Faculty members present in particular were as follows. 1. Mrs. Jaishri Shinde Principal 2. Mrs. Pradyana Jadhav Lecturer 3. Mrs. Sanjana Salvi Lecturer 4. Other two faculties from Physical training course. Rotarian Anil gave excellent tips for preparation of simple resume & emphasized that it should be of single page & should never exceed 2 pages. He also gave information on proper dress code for interview & gave list of 10 commonly asked questions during interview. Dr. Rtn. PP Shailesh Palekar started with communication game showing distortion in communication & all participants enjoyed the game & seen distortion in non verbal communications. Different types of communication was explained along with details of verbal & non verbal communications. Dr. Shailesh Palekar also explained bad effects of tobacco & alcohol abuse. Rotarian A M Gawarikar gave presentation on 1971 Indo Pak naval war at West & East sector & appealed students to join Military services to serve the nation. He gave second lecture on Management principles from Mahabharata . The programme was concluded at 1615 hr.with vote of thanks by Principal of the college Mrs. Jaishri Shide & we also took feed back from participants.

Project Details

Start Date 11-08-2012
End Date 11-08-2012
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs Nil
Non Rotary Partners -
Project Category Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)