Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-02-2018 - 18-02-2018

The Mega medical camp arranged by RC Shikrapur & RC Pune Hadapsar in association with Nobel hospital ,Rural hospital Shikrapur,Spandan medical association Pune Nagar road& Mohan Thuse Netra Rugnalaya Narayangaon. .About 530 patients are examined .The investigation like height,Wt,BP,Hb,Blood sugar,ECG, Spirometry,Bone Dencity also carried of free of cost accordingly.The medicine whatever prescribed by the consulting doctors also provided to the patients.The consultant of Cardiology,, Medicine,Surgery,Orthopaedics,Gynac&obstetrics,Paediatrics,&Opthalmology are examined the patients as per requirement. About 21 cases were operated for cataract surgery with lens implant. with free of cost.The 82 patients are detected for refractive error, speaks are provided for the same.Others are treated by various faculty of doctors.The camp inagurated by Ex MLA Suraykant Palande,Many local leaders, Doctors,roterians of RC Shikrapur & RC Hadapsar, Whole team of Nobel hospital Pune &Netra Rugnalaya Narayangaon & Total Staff of Rural Hospital Shikrapur were involved in this Mega event.The High Tea,Lunch was arranged for all doctors & staff of the camp. The camp has got grand success.

Project Details

Start Date 18-02-2018
End Date 18-02-2018
Project Cost 80000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 1200
Partner Clubs RC Pune Hadapsar
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment