Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-12-2017 - 18-12-2017

On 18th Dec we had another eye Camp at PDEA school, Kharadi. Total students screened were 785. Cases requiring spectacles were 37 & Referral cases were 20. Our sincere thanks to volunteers Asis, Smita Jauhri, Ulhas, Rajesh & Phiroze. Also on the 18th Dec. Spectacles were distributed to students of Tukaram Dhodiba Vidyalaya , Kharadi. Where the Eye camp was conducted on the 15/11/2017.

Project Details

Start Date 18-12-2017
End Date 18-12-2017
Project Cost 14000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 785
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment