Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-08-2017 - 05-09-2017

Ganesh Festival is celebrated across the city with full of zeal and enthusiasm.Many citizens come to visit famos ganesh mandals and idols during this festival. We took this opportunity and conducted a society awareness campaign by the different medias and print banners. We showcased almost 8/10 banners in the core city area of pune. we promted/gave awareness messages on Save Girl Child, Save Water, Save the Green Earth and Govt.of India’s pilot project Swachata Abhiyaan .

Project Details

Start Date 25-08-2017
End Date 05-09-2017
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others