Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-02-2018 - 05-02-2018

The Rotarian singers of SuhanaSafar, a signature project of Rotary club of Pune Amanora had a wonderful singing event for about 180 Breast Cancer survivors and their care takers through Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, Pune. The event was orgniased at a private place by the CEO Ms.Laleh Busheri and the Head Dr.Anand Koppiker of Prashanti group. It was an amazing event of singing overwhelmed by the patients and their care takers as they danced on the tunes of their favourite songs. PDG Rtn.Mohan Palesha delivered a very impressive speech in his poetic style. A number of Rotary singers and members attended the event.

Project Details

Start Date 05-02-2018
End Date 05-02-2018
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 72
No of direct Beneficiaries 183
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others