Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-12-2017 - 27-02-2018

This is in continuation with our earlier efforts of Autism Awareness Film with Prasanna. Now, we tied up with KEM Hospital and with them created awareness campaign - so Rotary gets better PI - and our name gets associated with this awareness program. TDH Centre works extensively with children diagnosed with above and similar disorder. They have qualified doctors and therapists to diagnose and treat the children. It’s a mammoth task for parents to grow such children. Disorders like Autism are not curable, so it creates huge mental stress on parents. On other hand, if parenting can offer positive early intervention, probably these children can better cope up with the disorder and few even can get opportunity to live normal, or near-normal life. While there are standard diagnosis methods and some treatment/therapies for patients, there is hardly any effort done to systematically groom the parents to come with reality, face strongly and grow the child positively. This project – which is basically specialised workshops and sessions – will: 1. Remove typical misconceptions about these disorders 2. Tell how to handle and grow these children using various tools, videos, games etc 3. Provide manual/guide to refer on on-going basis as they grow these children 4. Answer specific questions parents have, and give case specific inputs over and above common Group sessions (2 hr) to be conducted by Doctors in WHO prescribed format which will cover – overall challenge, how to grow them and build skills like – imitation, language, Play, Social imitation, dialogue Over 500 families had actual participation in the program. Most of these parents were cases where actual disease was identified just in last 2-6 months. So names, photos etc were not permitted by doctors and few parents

Project Details

Start Date 15-12-2017
End Date 27-02-2018
Project Cost 60000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 650
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment