Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-09-2017 - 03-09-2017

This project was jointly conducted by Rotary Clubs of Pune Ganeshkhind, Mid-East, Khadki, Shivajinagar and Heritage on September 3, 2017 in. In this project doctors, voluntary organizations and scientific research institutes helped us. They also conducted free of cost tests for the beneficiaries. A medical check-up was conducted for the residents of Wadarwasti in Karvenagar. In this camp, Hemoglobin, Sugar and BP of the beneficiaries were checked and ECGs were taken if necessary. Also, the second dose of Hepatitis -B vaccination was given to all those who were earlier administered the same. The names of doctors who participated are, Dr. Ramesh Godbole, Dr. Phulambrikar and Dr. Mungale. Along with this, an awareness program was conducted for prevention of Tuberculosis, Diet Management during pregnancy and the Red Dot movement ( hygienic disposal of sanitary napkins).

Project Details

Start Date 03-09-2017
End Date 03-09-2017
Project Cost 198400
Rotary Volunteer Hours 85
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs Rotary Clubs of Mid-East, Khadki, Heritage, Shivajinagar.
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -