Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-01-2018 - 04-01-2018

Conducted WASH n hygiene programme in ZP school at Shirwal. Total 450 students were attended to from 1st standard to 8th. We started the day by conducting school assembly. All students were told importance of hand wash. A demonstration was given to show how dirty hand are and why and when they should be washed. Some of the students were made to wash their hands and give a demo. The dirty water collected after hand wash was shown to all. A song was animated by us informing about needs to wash hand and when to wash hand were all students were asked to participate. All students were given toothbrush, toothpaste and paper soap to carry along for personal hygeine.

Project Details

Start Date 04-01-2018
End Date 04-01-2018
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 450
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Shilpa Shrikant Joshi Natansh Satyajit Nigade Avinash Doiphode
Project Category Water and sanitation