Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-12-2017 - 29-12-2017

The project will involve following activities - No. of schools selected 50 (run by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha): - No. of teachers to be trained: 40 per batch: 40X3 days each, plus 40X2 1-day follow-up workshops - Provide MathLab Kits: 2 per school - Assessment of training (process, effectiveness & other parameters) through feedback. At the end of the project, all trained teachers will use acquired expertise. Description of the project: - Navnirmiti Learning Foundation will impart the training to all the teachers using “MathLab” kit. They have developed subject matter experts to conduct the trainings. - Selected teachers will undergo a three day training session and 2 one-day follow-up sessions, - RCPP will act as a coordinating body between school authorities, education dept., teachers and NLF to plan, & execute the program. Beneficiaries : - Yearly 5,000 students through the trained teachers per batch. Schools will be benefitted by improving quality of education and passing percentage.

Project Details

Start Date 27-12-2017
End Date 29-12-2017
Project Cost 75000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 80
No of direct Beneficiaries 40000
Partner Clubs Kuopio-Veljmies, Finland (Rotary Club)
Non Rotary Partners Rayat Shikshan Sansstha, Satara Navnirmiti Learning Foundation (NLM)
Project Category Basic education and literacy