Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-12-2017 - 19-12-2017

The Garbage disposal is one of the environment problem faced in Pune . To make the new generation aware of the effect of plastic waste on Environment the Waste Plastic Disposal Awareness campaign was conducted for Interact Club at Smita Patil school . This was conducted for the 9th Std Students . 85 Number of students attend this. The students where appealed to segregate the plastic.The seminar was organized in association with Do Save Foundation and presented by our Annet Mr Aniket Thormoate

Project Details

Start Date 19-12-2017
End Date 19-12-2017
Project Cost 9000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 16
No of direct Beneficiaries 3000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners DO SAVE FOUNDATION : Annet Mr Aniket Thormoate
Project Category Water and sanitation