Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-01-2018 - 17-01-2018

This was synergy project with RC cantonment. RC cantonment was main architect of project. RC Gandhibhavan contributed financilly in logistics and volunteers. Main finance came from SCAW organization in Canada. Around 870 children in remote areas of Bhior Taluka were benefiaries of kit containing of sleeping material, school kit and general clothes useful for children. Cost of each kit was around Rs. 5000. Kits were sponsored by SCAW (Sleeping children around world), NGO in Canada. RCPGB contributed Rs. 1, 00,000 for administrative expenses

Project Details

Start Date 17-01-2018
End Date 17-01-2018
Project Cost 4400000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
No of direct Beneficiaries 870
Partner Clubs RC Cantonment
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others