Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-04-2018 - 22-04-2018

Location : Dharmavir Sambhaji Raje Vidyalaya, Tulapur Participating School Name – Dharmavir Sambhaji Raje Vidyalaya, Tulapur + New English School , Maan - Hinjewadi Number of Students – 98 Number of Teachers plus Instructors ( CSF ) – 7 Opening Ceremony : 15.04.18 Morning 10 AM by hands of RYLA Chairman PP Arvind Khandkar. We distributed t-shirt to the participants . PP Anil and ann Jayashree Kulkarni were present. Daily Activities Carried out from morning 7.30 to evening 5.30 which involves ...morning cleaning of sambhji raje samadhi mandir ,exercise / yoga , drill, rifle shooting , valley crossing , gymnastics, lathi-khati, self defence, traffic awareness , disaster management , pyramid & swimming in river .etc One day evening we arrange camp fire at school , were students prepared their food / dinner for themselves. Various tasks / situations were given to students and asked them to prepare a script and perform . After cultural events students enjoyed music / dance and had a dhamal. Closing Ceremony carried out on 22.04.18 Morning 10 AM , Chief guest was PI Patil Sir from Police department tulapur. School management committe members/ Sarpanch of tulapur / school teachers / parents of students were present. Students demonstrated the various skills learnt at the camp. Prize Distributions by hands off various dignity members Special Thanks to Principle & their team members for wonderful arrangement. Thanks to Harbinderji & Gurdeepji, RYLA chairman PP Khandkar

Project Details

Start Date 15-04-2018
End Date 22-04-2018
Project Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 90
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -