Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-01-2018 - 20-01-2018

Graduation Ceremony of the first batch on 20thJan 2018 at New Family Court at the hands of Past RI President Kalyan Banerjee and PRID Shekhar Mehta and DG Abhay Gadgil, First Lady Deepa, Dist Literacy Comm. Chair Vaishali Bhagwat.

Project Details

Start Date 20-01-2018
End Date 20-01-2018
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 72
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs RID 3131 LiteracyTeam
Non Rotary Partners All Judges of Family Court
Project Category Basic education and literacy, Maternal and child health, Peace and conflict prevention/resolution