Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-09-2017 - 01-06-2018

The estimated handicapped population of India is 5% of total population (60 million of 1.2 billion) according to the WHO estimate. Half of them are orthopedically handicapped and at least 50% require rehabilitation aids. These figures are increasing every day due to the increasing population, road traffic accidents, diabetes and rapid industrialization. Thus there are approximately 15 million disabled in India who require artificial limbs and appliances. Total Project Outlay: US$ 53,488 Direct Beneficiaries: 372 Project Outcome: Primary Goal of the project is to provide Below Knee Modular Prosthesis to 372 amputees as the treatment to improve their mobility and lifestyle. Additional Goals of the project is to spread “Prevention” message. Progress till 8th Jan 2018: Delivered - 47, In fabrication - 82, In queue - 168 Project has generated a lot of public image for Rotary as it was covered in Local newspapers and TV.

Project Details

Start Date 01-09-2017
End Date 01-06-2018
Project Cost 1134900
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1396
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs Pune Kalyani Nagar, Mah., India (Rotary Club) Denver, CO, USA (Rotary Club) Pune Magarpatta City, Mah., India (Rotary Club) Pune Lokmanyanagar, Mah., India (Rotary Club) Khadki, Mah., India (Rotary Club) Lexington Park, MD, USA (Rotary Club)
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment