Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-04-2018 - 21-04-2018

'Shetkari Melawa' The Rotary Clubs of Pune Ganeshkhind and Paud Road and the Pohankar Foundation jointly conducted an awareness workshop for farmers. The project, called as 'Shetkari Melawa' was organized for the farmers at Kondivale Village at Mulshi near Pune on 21st of April, 2018. About 70 farmers attended the workshop on 'Affordable Farming' conducted by the honorary member of our Club, Shrikant Pohankar. The local governing body, Gram Panchayat was also part of the organisers of the program. Members of The Rotaract club of Pune Ganeshkhind also attended the event.

Project Details

Start Date 21-04-2018
End Date 21-04-2018
Project Cost 3500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 90
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs Rotary club of Pune Paud Road.
Non Rotary Partners Kondivale Gram Panchayat and Pohankar Foundation.
Project Category Others