Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-02-2018 - 31-03-2018

Friends, On 5th April, RCPD inaugurated the hand wash units in ZP Kalyan school, Khed Shivapur and Krishi Audyogic school at Chamli, Saswad. 470 students will be benefitted from this Global Grant project of RCPD. With this inauguration we have completed the GG 1423014. From RCPD, PP Ravi, PP Biman, Manju, PP Yezdi, PP Ratin, Asis, Pritee and Rajesh were there.

Project Details

Start Date 20-02-2018
End Date 31-03-2018
Project Cost 110000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 46
No of direct Beneficiaries 470
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and sanitation