Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-05-2018 - 05-05-2018

In search of solution to those having a short stump (Less than 4”), we had provided an extender to Mr Dnyaneshwar Chitampalli, some months before. Our team decided to carry out this experiment on more number of cases and study the outcome. Shri Amol Zagade, in charge of Our permanent centre at Sane Guruji Hospital had maintained a list of those whom we could not provide LN-4 Hand due to short length of residual limb. They were called on 5 May 2018. 6 of them turned up. Rotarians from Panvel – Vikram Dhumal and Dr Sanjivani Malvankar drove all the way to Pune (120 km) with 4 cases. All the beneficiaries assembled at around 9.30 am. After registration and breakfast, Mr Salil Jain and his team took measurements of their residual hand. Length of other hand was noted. An extender would be prepared in such a way that both the hands will be of equal length. Lunch was served to beneficiaries. Some motivational, inspirational videos were shared and around 3 pm, Salil and team arrived with extenders fitted with LN-4 hands. Mr Tinkesh from Salil’s team doesn’t have two legs and one hand, yet he is a successful fitness trainer. He and his friend were role models for the beneficiaries who were greatly motivated with their positive attitude. Our trainer Shaikh Hassan trained the beneficiaries for usage of the LN-4 hand. Cute little Rukaiya, the youngest beneficiary (4 years) was very much delighted to have a new hand

Project Details

Start Date 05-05-2018
End Date 05-05-2018
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 16
No of direct Beneficiaries 10
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment