Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-01-2018 - 13-05-2018

On 13th May 2018, Rotary club of Poona Downtown in association with 6 Rotary clubs of Raichur had another LN 4 Prosthetic Hand fitment Camp here in Raichur. 58 beneficiaries get benefited and another 32 need for the extension. Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklangsamiti agreed to provide extender free of cost to Rotary. So we will shortly see smile on those 32 faces. This was our 7th camp in this Rotary year and second camp in south India. From RCPD Pradeep Bhai, Shabbir Bhai, Anil Chadda & Deepika, Asis &Ipsita and Rajesh were there to help

Project Details

Start Date 01-01-2018
End Date 13-05-2018
Project Cost 130000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 68
No of direct Beneficiaries 89
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment