Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-11-2017 - 31-05-2018

We donated equipment, supplies and constructed models and set up, to develop unique, first of its kind in Maharashtra state of art, modern Neuro Rehabilitation Centre that has Neuro Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Support and therapy, and Clinical Psychology. Done via Global Grant Model and total investment Rs 55,00,000 Problem: Over 4000 patients face severe neural problems every year in Pune. About 60% of those have prognosis of better recovery and life after treatment / surgery. (Source – IMA – Pune Chapter, PIN – 2016). There are rising number of trauma and accident cases that hampers Central Nervous system, spine etc. But Pune (except Kokilaben Ambani, entire Maharashtra) does not have ANY facility of advanced, holistic Neuro Rehabilitation. As a result, these patients do not get right treatment, they don’t fully recover per their potential and face physical and economic challenge as they can’t resume their work. For years this unmet requirement is in Pune and as its capital intensive and not very profitable, no hospital has created this facility. Solution: We, in partnership with Sahyadri Hospital (they have biggest count of Neuro patients in Pune and have most advanced surgery facilities as well as internationally educated and experienced staff to run/operate this type of centre) we have started this facility Rotary Neuro Rehb centre. As part of this project we donated: 1) Computerised Motion support equipment 2) Sensors and software aided, Gait and Walk support 3) CPM Machines for ankle, knee, arm and leg muscles and nerves 4) Prototypes for daily life occupations 5) Chest and torso nervous system support and decongestion machines 6) Testing and support equipment for speech therapy 7) Kits, tests, toys etc for Clinical Psychology Benefits 1) Over 1000 patients (in-ward and OPD) will get help from Physio, OT, and Psychology centres. 2) Instead of 30%-35% recovery of movements and working that happens today, patients can get recovery of more than 75% and over 90% in few cases 3) Because of timely treatment (while they are in hospital – 4th day after surgery), their recovery time is drastically reduced. Muscles and nervous system starts recovering immediately and pain of delayed treatment is avoided 4) Community gets a western world like, advanced treatment facility that it lacked, but desperately needed 5) Hospital will work on No Loss No profit model and will provide subsidized and free treatment to patients with Yellow and Orange ration card (Poor and Below Poverty Line)

Project Details

Start Date 01-11-2017
End Date 31-05-2018
Project Cost 6000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 750
No of direct Beneficiaries 3500
Partner Clubs University, Pride, Deccan Gym
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment