Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-12-2017 - 10-12-2017

Jalparni Mukta Swacha V Sundar Pawanamai. River Pavana rejuvenation mission by Rotary Club, Walhekarwadi, Pune. We all are aware what a critical situation our all Rivers are having and so from the most holy Ganga river of our country our Hble PM started Namami Gange cleanliness drive which is having an ultimate goal to ensure river is maintained clean, pure and flowing. Same thought process is being conceptualised by Rotary Club Walhekarwadi and since 5th Nov. 2017 we engaged ourselves in River Pavana which is the lifeline of our city and we club members are having an emotional connect with this river for generations together as we are living on the bank of it. Our Mother Earth is made up of 5 energy sources;Earth, Air, Sky, Fire and Water. Out of which Water is the most valued energy source and so human settlements are seen across globe on the river banks and so it's imperative to save them before it's too late! This thought process has been imbibed by we all Walhekarwadi members from our ancestors though not taught to us in classrooms but though their actions. And thus a major project we undertook in very 1st year of our establishment/installation. About Holy River Pavana - Pavana is having a length of @62 Kms and finally confluences in River Mula in our city at Dapodi. This has 3 different sections on which jointly with 25 NGOs from our city and nearby area residents we have started working upon. 1st is the catchment area which at this stage we are not focusing but later afforestation to avoid silting of Dam Pavana is planned. 2nd is Dam to Starting point at Ravet Bund wherein river enters in to our city which flows through almost 18 villages which are also not untouched of urbanisation, civilisation and human settlements for the citizens coming to Pune in search of jobs, businesses. So, once pure and clean Pavana is getting contaminated in this area also which we've taken up jointly with Talegaon Nagar panchayat. And 3rd section is 24 Kms of stretch flowing through our city Pimpri Chinchwad which is most polluted due to sewage, waste water from household which has resulted in rampant growth of water Hyacinth and Pristia which are the aquatic weeds as a result of impure water forcing originak natural aqua life to die down. Considering the severity level and as a 1st corrective step we've taken up this weed removal as our mission with support from Mr. Somnath alias Aba Masugade who has successfully worked upon this at River Indrayani and made it free of these weeds couple of years ago. With his dedication and commitment and 49 resourceful personnel who are literally working on and in the Rivers at this stage we can boast that, we can equally keep our River Pavana clean. The fundamentals are very clear to him and in turn now to us that, aqua weeds germinates, grows and spreads rapidly when the River water flow stops and we all are aware, our Indian Peninsula Rivers are not perennial but dependent upon monsoon rains between June to September. So obviously @October germination starts which needs to be stopped immediately which we did this year starting work on 5th Nov as this year monsoon rains lasted long. Daily 40 people are working on river cleanup who have been brought from Dehugaon by bus. Their meals, tea, breakfast, wages are organised by our club. saving every River is essential and we are confident that, this model could be.replicated by other.clubs in their respective cities, towns, areas and we can convert this Rotary Energy in to synergy and bring a revolution for sake of our Rivers, environment and for the mankind. Of course, weed removal is the corrective measure which we are aware of but further as a part of preventive measures we are chalking out an exhaustive master plan by which STPs, ETPs are run efficiently, solid waste, plastic usage is prevented to enter in to the water bodies and many more. Our Pavana River Cleanup Mission has been appreciated by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corpn and we are closely coordinating with them to work together also E and Print Media has played a pivotal role to reach out to the citizens and we are very much sure in future also looking at our selfless, honest contribution all walks of life will be with us to make this.mission grand successful and to set an example before the world.

Project Details

Start Date 04-12-2017
End Date 10-12-2017
Project Cost 250000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 50 Organisations
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment, District Thrust Area, Others, Water and sanitation