Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-03-2018 - 21-03-2018

The Joint project of RC Pune West & RC Shikrapur " Water filter Project" Inaguration ceremony done at " Mangalmurti Vidyadham Prashala"Ranjangaon Ganpati,Tal Shirur,Pune.The School has requirement of purified water plant for students health.The directors of the educational institutions,Head master of the school,Other teachers, Villagers, Students we're present for the program.

Project Details

Start Date 21-03-2018
End Date 21-03-2018
Project Cost 70000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 8000
Partner Clubs RC Pune West
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and sanitation