Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-02-2018 - 11-03-2018

Around November end we received an interest from the host club in response to our email. We had a few initial calls ,in which we explained the project and effort required to execute it. This all women's club was very enthusiastic to take up the project single-handedly. Hats off to Rotary Club of Madurai Malligai as they stuck to their guns and pulled off a great event all by themselves. 10th March was a pre-camp, the training ritual was conducted by Senior Rotarian Pradeep Munot. Pradeep Bhai ran all the volunteers through the Genesis of the Prosthetic hand created by Ellen Meadow. This is a very integral part of the whole process as now the sentiment involved in it's construct is detailed, understood, respected and appreciated. Pradeep Bhai also explains the procedures and the work stations involved. On 11th March the Camp started at 8.30 AM with 11 volunteers from Pune and interestingly we had almost 50 beneficiaries already waiting , very patiently at the venue. All the volunteers along with the local interpreters from Rotary Club of Madurai Malligai put in a great effort and at the end of day 127 beneficiaries were fitted with LN-4 Hands. A very sacred task well accomplished as the reactions of beneficiaries on receipt of the prosthetic hand goes beyond description. The feeling of now being able to perform the routine of feeding oneself unassisted, or once again being able to drive a vehicle as before the accident in which the trauma of loss of limb occurred, the inner joy felt by all these beneficiaries is really worth the mission .

Project Details

Start Date 14-02-2018
End Date 11-03-2018
Project Cost 240000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 230
No of direct Beneficiaries 127
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment