Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-07-2018 - 13-07-2018

In India there is a big gap between the number of organ donors and recipients. RID district is pursuing the organ donation awareness program actively, in order to ensure that this gap is bridged and nobody in India dies due to the want of an organ. Rotary Club of Pune Sports City, has aligned itself with the district in conducting the organ donation awareness drives across colleges, companies, Rotary Clubs. This is one such drive. The result expected is to have maximum people pledging for organ donation on ninth of August , online on

Project Details

Start Date 13-07-2018
End Date 13-07-2018
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 150
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Wifisoft solutions, Baner
Project Category District Thrust Area