Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-07-2018 - 30-06-2019

Not only the outdoor, but the indoor air quality is also the reason for a number of diseases adding to the health burden of a country. Any effort to save the environment is worth while. The Green Chain Initiative was adopted on 1st July 2018, the idea is gifting an indoor plant saplings to friends and relatives on special occasions and asking them to further gift a set of two saplings to their friends and relatives, thus propagating the green chain of indoor plants. By the end of the year, starting from one plant it was expected that even if ten percent complied, a few thousands of plants would be contributing to improving the air quality indoors. A program to create awareness about this was conducted for student and faculty of government Polytechnic Shivajinagar on 21st July . Presentation was made and 150 saplings were gifted. The progress of the chain can be followed on facebook page Green Chain. The plants gifted were of special variety especially known to be good for removing pollutants from indoors. This program has been adopted by many club members for the purpose of gifting to relatives and friends. at all weekly meetings RCP Sports city gives indoor potted plants as momento and prizes. There are special indoor variety that improve the air quality and these in particular are used for gifting .English Lily, Snake plant, Golden Pathos etc. Picture is attached

Project Details

Start Date 21-07-2018
End Date 30-06-2019
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2000
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Government Polytechnic Shivajinagar
Project Category Others