Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-06-2018 - 22-06-2018

RCP Ganeshkhind distributed 50 sports uniforms to needy students from Shishu Vihar Primary School, Pune University compound, Pune. The school authority informed the Club that due to non-availability of sports uniform the students could not participate in various events and therefore they are loosing their opportunities due to lack of funds. So the Club decided to donate the sports uniforms to the School and the School is going to reuse the same for atleast 8-10 years. The staff of the said School was very co-operative and positive. More than 200 students were present for handing over of sports uniforms.

Project Details

Start Date 22-06-2018
End Date 22-06-2018
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area