Rotary 3131 - Project Details

29-07-2018 - 29-07-2018

Water is the source of life. Keeping our city rivers clean is a Herculean task. Plastic, paper, remains of statues, banners and scores of other waste are dumped into the river or on its banks. 20 Rotary clubs of Pune got together to clean the river banks along a stretch of 4 km. We divided the total area among our clubs. The initiative drew a huge response from the Pune people who came to assist us. Rotaractors and school children also joined us in this mammoth venture. We decided to rid the banks of plastic, banners and paper. The PMC stationed their trucks along the river banks and picked up the huge pile of waste that we had collected in huge garbage bags. This was the first synergy project of the year.

Project Details

Start Date 29-07-2018
End Date 29-07-2018
Project Cost 3000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Vaijayanti Damle of Soft corner Sujata Sule
Project Category Water and sanitation