Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-07-2018 - 13-07-2018

In the series, ' Know your Rotarian', started by the club under the Presidentship of Rtn. Pramod Bendre last year, the Club organizes interaction sessions with its members. This week, in this series, RCPG witnessed an interesting interaction with Rtns. Supriya and Arvind Kale., both senior Rotarians and active members of the Club. They were interviewed by Rtn. Meena Ambekar, who engaged them in an interesting chat. Rtns. Kale described their life journey and career highlights. The audience enjoyed the interaction.

Project Details

Start Date 13-07-2018
End Date 13-07-2018
Project Cost 5500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 110
No of direct Beneficiaries 26
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area