Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-07-2018 - 07-07-2018

ROTARY CLUB OF PIMPRI is conducting this project for the last 9 years. In this project, we host all the warkari members of 13nos Dindi along with the guest members for the year. The total number this year-18-19 was 436, we provide stay arrangement with the medical facility and some take away ( Raincoat, Cloth Bag, Medicine etc). Twelve rotary members along with 16 Rotarct were involve during this project. We also organize kirtan in a temple as an entertaining activity with simple dinner at night with breakfast in the morning.

Project Details

Start Date 06-07-2018
End Date 07-07-2018
Project Cost 32750
Rotary Volunteer Hours 412
No of direct Beneficiaries 2968
Partner Clubs NA
Project Category Peace and conflict prevention/resolution