Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-08-2018 - 24-08-2018

Program on " NYAY KENDRA " was organized by Rotary Club of Pune South at Kalaprasad Mangal Karylaya Hall on 24th August 2018. Around 60 persons including Rotarians & Anns were present. PP Rtn. Dadasaheb Bendre, Senior Advocate, PDG Rtn. Mohan Palesha, Prof. Dr. Jyoti Bhakre, Advocate Murlidhar Kachare & Advocate Chandrakant Kulkarni shared information on NYAY KENDRA & also shared few disputes settled through NYAY KENDRA. " AKHIL BHARATIYA ADHIVAKTA PARISHAD " is an Organisation of Advocates. PP Rtn. ( Advocate ) Dadasaheb Bendre, was Chairperson of the " ADHIVAKTA PARISHAD ", Western Maharashtra. NYAY KENDRA is his idea & inspiration that led to the formation of NYAY KENDRA. NYAY KENDRA is conducting cases for needy persons including consultation work. It consist of 5 Advocates - 1 Senior, 2 Middle Age & 2 Junior Advocates. ADHIVAKTA PARISHAD aims at justice without going to the Court of Law. Same Programme was conducted on March 8, 2019 at St Patrick Society Pune. You can verify the said programme details in the Sheet when click " Apply " This information is clubbed and written for your convenience on May 26,2019.

Project Details

Start Date 24-08-2018
End Date 24-08-2018
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 36
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -