Rotary 3131 - Project Details

31-08-2018 - 31-08-2018

A signature project of the RCPG, Know Your Rotarian that was launched last year continues to enthrall the club members. The second such session in the current Rotary year was held on this day in which Rtn. Supriya Kale interacted with and interviewed the family and spouse of Rtn. Vaishali Zumbare. The Zumbare family spoke about how they enjoy being a family, how Vaishali and her husband Sanjay, a former civil servant and now a tax consultant, came together, how they explored love for each other etc. Thos project has been highly approved by the members and they enjoy each interview session. This session was enjoyed too. Rtn. Vaishali served dinner on the occasion.

Project Details

Start Date 31-08-2018
End Date 31-08-2018
Project Cost 5500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area