Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-07-2018 - 14-07-2018

Youth Avenue of our club arranged a lecture by Mr. Niraj Shevade of Muktangan on deaddiction at Bharat English school. A large audience of 187 students and 14 teachers attended. Mr.Niraj Shevade from Muktangan spoke about his own battle of substance abuse and his recovery to a clean citizen about 4 yrs ago. Due to addiction you are thrown out of the main stream in society. He explained about Muktangan work methods , their spread of work. His own experiences in this process and courage to discuss it was really commendable .

Project Details

Start Date 14-07-2018
End Date 14-07-2018
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 102
No of direct Beneficiaries 201
Partner Clubs 0
Non Rotary Partners Muktangan,Pune
Project Category Others