Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-07-2018 - 27-08-2018

Our ancient culture and age-old tradition has always taught us the importance of "Giving". दाता भवति वानवा! As the shloka says, Donor is very rare to find in society. Modern science and technology has given us the opportunity to be a Donor even after death. We can donate our organs and give a gift of life to someone in need. Creating awareness about the need for organ donation is a major project of Rotary this year. On 9th August, a large number of people are expected to pledge their organs online and in the process set a world record. On Friday 27th July, Rtns. Dr. Madhavi Vaze and Dr. Saroj Bande conducted one such awareness seminar at a Coditas Pvt. Ltd. – a software company of our Rtn. Mitul Bid. Approximately 85 persons attended this session and they were informed and inspired to take the pledge. We are thankful to Rtn. Mitul for giving us this opportunity to reach his staff and thereby spread our message. Organ donation awareness campaign has picked up momentum. We have made a series of presentations to companies and other target audience. We have to keep our date with the largest global movement for organ donation pledging on 9th August.

Project Details

Start Date 27-07-2018
End Date 27-08-2018
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area