Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-08-2018 - 26-08-2018

*Raksha Bandhan* Sunday, on 26/08/2018. we have planned to celebrate *Rakshabandhan*, in a unique way, by visiting Paraplegic Rehabilitation Center, Kirkee, Pune and tie rakhees to the inmates. The inmates (armed forces soldiers) are paralysed permanently due gun shot to their spinal cord and they are and will be on wheel chair for rest of their life. Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre is taking post care of these inmates. Hence it will be a very touching experience, to meet the Jawan Bhaiees, see the bravery, their determination and strong moral, to take life as it has come to them. The schedule will be as under: *Date:* Sunday 26/08/2018. *Time:* 9.15 am sharp. *RakshaBandhan* to inmates and distribution of sweets. *Institute Tour:* We will look around the activities going on in the PRC and return back. It takes around 40 minutes to reach the venue. A humble request to all to join the RakshaBandhan at PRC, salute their bravery, their sacrifice, to energies our self to see their moral strength.

Project Details

Start Date 26-08-2018
End Date 26-08-2018
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 91
Partner Clubs -
Non Rotary Partners -
Project Category Others