Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-09-2018 - 26-09-2018

The 26 th September is a founder day of " Rashtriya Seva Yojana"[NSS].On account of this special day,the RYLA was arranged at Sahebrao Dhamdhere Mahavidyalaya,this Talegaon Dhamdhere,Tal Shirur,Pune for this NSS & other college students on the topic ""Swachhach & Swasth Bharat" Our IPP Rtn Dr Macchindra Gaikwad given a guidance for attending students on the above topic & their Physical health & Diet. About 220 students gets benefitted in the event.

Project Details

Start Date 26-09-2018
End Date 26-09-2018
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 12
No of direct Beneficiaries 220
Partner Clubs No
Non Rotary Partners No
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment