Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2018 - 01-12-2018

Rain Water Harvesting - Summary All these projects are in rural area. The beneficiaries are villagers and farmers. These projects are for improvement in existing water bodies, storation of rain water, and improvement in ground water tables. The local community is using the water for drinking, cattle feeding and agricultural purpose with the exception of project at Ambarle. In Ambarle’s project water will be used for drinking and cattle feeding only. The implementation of projects will result in availability of water in summer which will result in overall improvement in hygiene, economic condition and standard of living. The Government hydrological study and water quality report has been taken in to consideration while designing the project. The reports are separately attached. The strong local community support and involvement has been mentioned in other paragraphs in the project report and necessary certificates are attached.The project is carried forward from last year. This project focuses on raising the water table in the Madanwadi area by evacuation and desilting an area of 8 sq km along a dried river bed. This will raise the water table of the surrounding area and store and recharge all the wells and bore-wells, benefiting 15000 people in the vicinity with stored water throughout the year. This project GG1745416 is led by Rotary Club of Pune Shanivarwada with multiple partners worth $70615, wherein Rotary Club of Pune Sports City is a local partner.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2018
End Date 01-12-2018
Project Cost 4943050
Rotary Volunteer Hours 170
No of direct Beneficiaries 15000
Partner Clubs RCP Shanivarwada and other Rotary clubs , International Rotary Clubs and Districts
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others, Water and sanitation