Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-09-2018 - 04-09-2018

Members of Rotary club visited “Anandvan” leprosy house at Dapodi to give medicines to these poor people. From the past many years this project is been carried out that was started by PP JaswinderSingh Sokhi. (Club Trainer 18-19) There are 73 families at this place living with their families in this slum. Mr Bhosle, a leprosy patient himself takes care of these people. They have also requested us a new cupboard for storing the medical history of these patients. Medicine is required every day and our club gives them medicines free of cost every two months. The stock is replenished every 2 months. Apart from medication, a few kind words and spending a couple of hours with them is what motivates these people, and this was observed today too. “Helping others is a healing for our souls; especially someone who doesn’t have the means to ever repay you” It was attended by PP Vijay Tarak, Rtn. Pravin Agarwal and few non-Rotarian friends

Project Details

Start Date 04-09-2018
End Date 04-09-2018
Project Cost 8270
Rotary Volunteer Hours 8
No of direct Beneficiaries 73
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment