Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-02-2013 - 05-02-2013

Date:- 5th February 2013. RDEP Project On 5th February Rotary Club of Daund installed the E- Lerning facility to S.R.P Gr. No 7 Daund Chief Guest :- President of S.R.P. Gr. No. 7 Mr. Gaud Saheb , Mr. Bhange ( Assiatant Comander ) , P.I. Mr. Paymal , P.I. Mr. Ambore , Chaugule Babuji, Mr. Dudhe, Mr. Dhaygude. Introduction by Rtn. Mrs. P.P.Bhangale. She introduces all Honorable guest as well as she gave the information & importance of E- Learning Project. From R.C .Daund 5 schools avail this benefit of E- Learning Project .

Project Details

Start Date 05-02-2013
End Date 05-02-2013
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category RDEP Installation