Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-11-2018 - 24-11-2018

RC Patalganga organized free Pediatric/ Lipid profile/ BP/ Sugar/ Gynaec and dental check up camp for children and people of Adivasi wadi at village Turadawadi. These adiwasi people are so poor that they cannot afford to go to doctor for check up or treatment. Free medicines were distributed to needy people. RC Patalganga carries these type of free camp every month in Adiwasi wadi and followed up every 6 months through Anganwadi staff.

Project Details

Start Date 24-11-2018
End Date 24-11-2018
Project Cost 60000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 60
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category