Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-12-2012 - 05-12-2012

Wellcome of Rotarians by Pracharya . Dr . Mrs . P.P. Bhangale :- Introduction & importance of Lecture to the students who are going to be teacher in future . Dr. P.B. Pawar :- HIV infection causative agent , AIDS syndrome , Routes of HIV infection & prevention from this Dreadful Disease Rtn . Shalini Pawar :- Working for HIV patients shared various experiences of HIV Positive patient , their miserable life social stigma , she also told about importance of regular counseling & ART treatment . Beneficiaries :- 350 students. Rotarian Present :- President :- Dr. Pratibha Bhangale Secretary :- Rtn . Haribhau Thombare . P.E . :- Rtn . P. B. Pawar . Rtn . Shalini Pawar Ann . Vaishali Gadalh Ann . Asha Thombare .

Project Details

Start Date 05-12-2012
End Date 05-12-2012
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Installation of water purifying machine