Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-10-2018 - 31-12-2018

Arya Omnitalk Wireless Solutions Pvt. Ltd. the donor company agreed to support up-gradation of schools in the rural area of Mulshi taluka near Pune. The project envisaged supporting 4 secondary schools in Mulshi taluka, that currently lack proper infrastructure such as science lab equipment, library, classroom furniture, toilets etc. Students of these schools are from under-privileged sections of the local community. The project also envisaged providing pedagogic training and a new program "Teach with Technology" to all teachers. A new initiative in the form of Career Guidance seminars for 10th & 12th grade students was also undertaken. The specific needs of each school were identified through field visits jointly carried out by Rotarians of the host club and officials of the donor company. The corporate donor and host club together prepared the list and specifications of the items to be purchased, identified and finalized the vendors. Total 3000+ students benefited

Project Details

Start Date 01-10-2018
End Date 31-12-2018
Project Cost 4220000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 800
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy