Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-07-2018 - 27-07-2018

It gives me an immense pleasure to announce the Installation of Rotary Club of Bibwewadi Pune on Friday July 27, 2018. President Rtn. Prasanna Dhariwal has decided to break the normal norms of installation. On the day of installation, he wants all of us to visit a school of mook badhir children near Shani Mandir. We all will mingle with these special children and spend some time with them. Following that the installation program will be held at the school itself. He thinks we can put the amount meant to be spent on a party for a good cause.

Project Details

Start Date 27-07-2018
End Date 27-07-2018
Project Cost 8500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 45
No of direct Beneficiaries 133
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy