Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-10-2018 - 21-10-2018

We're taking a group of 17 visually impaired people from Ekta Netraheen Sangh of a mixed age group on a trek to Sinhagad. They will be picked up from Hadapsar in a bus and brought to the base of Sinhagad. They will be joined by 35 of our club members, Annes, members from other Rotary clubs, and friends. Each blind trekker will be accompanied by one or more than one person with normal vision. We will begin climbing by 6 am. We aim to reach the top by 8.30 am. We will have breakfast and then return home by the buses that will be waiting at the parking lot of Sinhagad fort.

Project Details

Start Date 21-10-2018
End Date 21-10-2018
Project Cost 9000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 72
No of direct Beneficiaries 52
Partner Clubs 4
Non Rotary Partners 3
Project Category Club Thrust Area