Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-10-2018 - 06-10-2018

RCP Bavdhan Elite arranged a lecture of Mr Bodhankar for kids in Chetan Dattaji School @ Bavdhan. Main objective of this project to educate kids regarding hazards of plastic to environment and involve school kids to dispose plastic bags in proper way. Dr Bodhankar delivered a presentation to kids that was well appraised by everyone. As a project deliverable, every kid is committed to gather plastic waste in their area and send it to Dr Bodhankar's institute "Sagar Mitra". That way we will avoid that much plastic waste to reach the sea and avoid the damage to environment.

Project Details

Start Date 06-10-2018
End Date 06-10-2018
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 700
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others