Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2018 - 28-02-2019

Quality of Engineering Education in India is a matter of concern for academicians, industries, and regulatory authorities. Limited exposure to industrial world, lack of experienced faculty members, and ineffective laboratory facilities in institutes add to this problem. Much is said about this on many expositions. The “Integrated Technologies Olympiad 2019” is a step towards bridging the gap between demands from industries and existing engineering curriculum/ The very nature of the competition will certainly help students to acquire “Learning to Learn” skill, which is utmost important for survival in this industrial world. The competition has been designed after an elaborate discussion with industry partners and academicians. This competition will give the students hands-on experience of solving industrial problems with mentoring from experts.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2018
End Date 28-02-2019
Project Cost 145000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 340
No of direct Beneficiaries 22000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners College of Engineering Pune, A4 Tech, Rackware Technologies
Project Category Basic education and literacy