Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-03-2019 - 09-03-2019

Donating 53 Cycles to 3 schools around Yavat ,Taluka Daund to Girl students sponsored by members and their relatives. This is Signature project of our club.The schools select the needy girl students by taking their information and verifying it.The cycles are donated to the school and the ownership remains with school.The girls after undergoing their Final Examination return these cycles to the school and its maintenance is looked after by our supplier.Cycles are again recirculated in the next Academic year.Uptil now we have donated 550 cycles to schools.

Project Details

Start Date 09-03-2019
End Date 09-03-2019
Project Cost 265500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 53
Partner Clubs -
Non Rotary Partners -
Project Category Club Thrust Area