Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-02-2019 - 22-06-2019

Cervical Cancer Vaccination for young girls age between 9 to 13 of Rural areas. Rotary club of Pune Metro along with 20 other clubs from District 3131 and 4 club form other countries. The project cost is Rs 68,53,914/-, total beneficiaries are 1840 . In the month of January 19 we have done awareness camp in schools. In the month of February we have taken consent forms, from the parents of the girls of age between 9 years and 13 years. ON 17th of June we will be administering the vaccines to the girl students in different school.

Project Details

Start Date 22-02-2019
End Date 22-06-2019
Project Cost 6853914
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2000
No of direct Beneficiaries 1840
Partner Clubs 20 clubs from district 3131
Non Rotary Partners Sane Guruji Arogya Mandal
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment