Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-02-2019 - 30-04-2019

Besides upgradation of school infrastructure, women’s health care is the second thrust area in the focus community of Mulshi Taluka. Many women in these rural communities come from underprivileged sections of society. These women often neglect their health and are usually the last priority in the family for medical attention. The villages lack basic minimum facilities & infrastructure for health care. Health Check-up Camps: Women are checked for Haemoglobin, blood sugar, Hypertension and cancer screening - oral, breast & cervical. In 2018-19, five camps were conducted in four villages. Corrective & Preventive Actions: For normal ailments, next steps were prescribed. Women showing signs of possible malignancy, were referred for further investigation and full treatment including chemotherapy and surgery. Three breast cancer surgeries were conducted free of cost. Extensive mapping of beneficiaries was done for the purpose of tracking. RCPC plans to track these beneficiaries for three years to monitor and improve their health. Details of some 1. Kondur Village – 23rd Nov. 2018 : 70 women 2. Pirangut Village – 18th Jan. 2019 : 72 women 3. Pirangut Village - 30th Jan. 2019 : 80 women 4. Lawale Village - 7th Feb. 2019 : 65 women 5. Davje Village - 12th Feb. 2019 : 78 women 6. Pirangut Village - 17th Feb. 2019 : 80 women 7. Urawade Village - 18 Feb 2019 : 92 women Total 532 women have been screened, tested and provided guidance on nutrition and lifestyle corrections.

Project Details

Start Date 01-02-2019
End Date 30-04-2019
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Ashtha Breast cancer Group
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment